
Import as a package

To use Python Casim in a project:

from py_casim import Casim

c = Casim("my_image.jpg")

link = c.get_link()


To resize an image:

from py_casim import Casim

c = Casim("my_image.jpg", resize=640)

link = c.get_link()


To get other urls/ code (like HTML or BBCode):

from py_casim import Casim

c = Casim("my_image.jpg")

res = c.get_share_code(index=3)


Use Command Line Script

In your terminal :

foo@bar:~$ py_casim my_image.jpg

Or :

foo@bar:~$ py_casim --size 640 my_image.jpg

For more :

foo@bar:~$ py_casim --help

Usage: py_casim [OPTIONS] FILENAME

Upload an image to Casimages, and get url back.
Resizing is optionnal (125x125, 320x240, 640x480, etc...)
Default returned url is the Source Link (Big).
Use the option to get different url format, or use --all option.

Examples :
    py_casim my_image.jpg

    py_casim --all my_image.jpg

    py_casim -s 640 my_image.jpg

    py_casim --size 320 --code 3 my_image.jpg

-a, --all                       Get all urls and codes (HTML/BBcode) back.
-s, --size [100|125|320|640|800|1024|1280|1600]
                                Value for image resizing. Optional.
-c, --code INTEGER RANGE        Choose desired url/code.
                                0 Direct link (Mail
                                & Messenger)
                                1 Direct link (Forum, Blog,
                                2 HTML Code Thumbnail
                                3 HTML Code Big
                                4 Forum BBCode Thumbnail
                                5 Forum BBCode Big
                                6 Source Link Thumbnail
                                7 Source Link Big
--help                          Show this message and exit.